Meet Tora, The Explorer Cat Who Has Traveled Nearly All The American States In A Truck

By Sandoval 10 month ago 927
Meet Tora, the explorer cat who has traveled nearly all the US states in a truck with her dad.

Meet Tora, the explorer cat and a Scotch Straight cat of 4 years old that enjoys traveling and discovering new locations. She works full-time as her dad David Durst's assistant driver. David Durst is a truck driver who is 27 years old. Although can’t actually drive (because she is a cat), she is more than qualified for the job because she is a good and cute girl. Together, Tora and her father have driven their truck across almost all of the states in the US.

Tora the explorer cat

Source: David Durst

David, Tora's father, initially had trouble getting a cat. The agencies told him that a truck would not be a good place for a cat to live in. He was about to give up until a breeder got in touch with him and emailed him a picture of an 8-week-old cat. That kitten was Tora, and David knew right away he had found what he was looking for, the perfect travel companion. Funny enough, the Japanese word "Tora" means "Tiger," making it a suitable name for your feline travel buddy.

“We got Tora when she was just eight weeks old and hit the road just three days later,” David said “She was the bravest little kitten I’ve ever seen and took to the truck instantly. She loved looking out the window and taking in all the new sights. It was an instant fit” he continued.


Tora the explorer cat

Source: David Durst


The duo has so far traveled to 46 of the 50 states in the USA. They have been chronicling their travels on their Instagram account, which has amassed up to 24,100 followers. The amazing reception Tora received on social media shocked David. They not only made new online friends but also a lot of real-life ones too. “Tora loves to get out of the truck and explore, especially in big cities!”, said David.

Tora the explorer cat

Source: David Durst

“My favorite memory with Tora isn’t one of the many places we’ve been or one of the things we’ve seen together, it’s actually the first time she walked confidently on a leash. Getting a cat used to walking??? on a leash is a daunting task on its own, add in the loud sounds of a truck stop, and for some it becomes impossible,” David said about his most memorable moment with Tora “We were at a truck stop in Zuber, Florida, three weeks into having Tora on the road and took her outside to do some daily harness training,” He continued. Tora began exploring as soon as she touched the ground, and Dave ended up waiting two hours for her to get tired and settle down for some rest. “That day was a big step towards all of the adventures the future held,” he said.

Tora the explorer cat

Source: David Durst

The cab's sleeper contains Tora's litter box, which is cleaned twice daily. David chuckled, "This is the question we get asked the most by far".


Tora the explorer cat

Source: David Durst


Tora and David's story gained such notoriety that it was included in the documentary "Cat Daddies." Little Tora apparently has a second career as a movie star in addition to being a truck cat. “She’s been in so many new environments, met so many new people. Lots of new sounds, smells, and sights. It’s a lot on us as regular people, so I can only imagine what it’s like for her and she’s just doing so so well and we are so proud of her!” David shared on Instagram. “We were skeptical about it [the movie] at first. It’s real and really good! We really encourage you to watch it in theaters if there is a showing near you,” said David when asked if “Cat Daddies” is real.

Tora the explorer cat

Source: David Durst

You can learn more about Tora's debut silver-screen feature, "Cat Daddies," here. If you want to see more of Tora and David's adventurous life, you should definitely think about seeing it.

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