First-Look Photos Of Disney’s Live-Action Snow White Remake: How Does It Compare With The Original?

By Nichole 11 month ago 635
A fun and nostalgic review of the first-look photos of Disney’s live-action remake of Snow White, which is set to be released in 2024, and how they compare with the original 1937 animated movie.

Do you remember the classic Disney animated movie Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, which was released in 1937 and is considered one of the most influential animated films of all time? Well, guess what? Disney is making a live-action remake of Snow White, which is set to be released in 2024, and they have just released some first-look photos of the movie. In this blog post, we will showcase these photos and compare them with the original movie. We will also give you our opinion on whether the remake looks promising or not. Are you ready? Let’s dive in!

#1. Why Disney decided to make a live-action remake of Snow White

The strategy behind updating their classic animated movies

disney snow white remake photos

Source: People


Disney has been making live-action remakes of their popular animated movies for a while now, such as Beauty and the Beast, Aladdin, and The Lion King. These remakes are part of their strategy to appeal to modern audiences and showcase their technological advancements. According to The Hollywood Reporter, these remakes have generated more than $8.5 billion in global box office revenue since 2010. They have also received positive reviews from critics and fans alike, who praised their faithful adaptation, stunning visuals, and diverse casting.

Disney chose Snow White as their next project because it is one of their most iconic and beloved movies. It was the first full-length animated feature film ever made, and it won an honorary Academy Award for its groundbreaking achievement. However, it also faced some criticism for its outdated portrayal of gender roles, racial stereotypes, and cultural appropriation. Disney wanted to update Snow White with a more modern and inclusive vision, while still honoring its legacy and charm.

The cast, plot, and production of the remake


disney snow white remake photos

Source: GamesRadar


The live-action remake of Snow White will star Rachel Zegler as Snow White and Gal Gadot as the Evil Queen. Zegler is a rising star who will also play Maria in Steven Spielberg’s remake of West Side Story. She was chosen for Snow White after an extensive audition process that involved hundreds of actresses. Gadot is a global superstar who is best known for her role as Wonder Woman. She was cast as the Evil Queen because she has the charisma, talent, and beauty to play the iconic villain.

The plot of the remake will follow the original story but with some changes and additions. Snow White will have a more active role in her own destiny, rather than being a passive damsel in distress. The Evil Queen will have a more complex backstory that explains her motivation and obsession with beauty. The seven dwarfs will be replaced by seven new characters who will help Snow White along her journey. The movie will also feature new songs written by Benj Pasek and Justin Paul, who are the Oscar-winning duo behind La La Land and The Greatest Showman.

The production of the remake is being directed by Marc Webb, who is known for his work on The Amazing Spider-Man movies. He has faced some challenges and opportunities in creating a realistic and diverse version of Snow White. He has used practical sets and locations, as well as CGI effects, to create a stunning visual spectacle. He has also cast actors from different ethnicities and backgrounds to reflect the multicultural world we live in.


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#2. The first-look photos of the remake and how they compare with the original movie

The photos that were released in July 2023


Disney released some first-look photos of the remake in July 2023, which generated a lot of buzz and excitement among fans and media. These include photos from the set, promotional shots, and comparisons with the original movie. Here are some of them:

disney snow white remake photos

Source: IMDb

This photo shows Rachel Zegler as Snow White in a colorful dress that resembles the one she wore in the original movie. However, her dress is more vibrant and detailed than the original one, which was mostly plain and simple. Her dress also has some floral patterns that reflect her connection with nature.

disney snow white remake photos

Source: IMDb

This photo shows Gal Gadot as the Evil Queen in a dark gown that contrasts with Snow White’s dress. Her gown is more elegant and sinister than the original one, which was more bulky and rigid. Her gown also has some jewels and feathers that accentuate her royal status and vanity.


disney snow white remake photos

Source: The Independent


This photo shows Marc Webb behind the camera, directing a scene from the movie. He is wearing a headset and holding a monitor that shows what he is filming. He is surrounded by crew members and equipment that indicate the scale and complexity of the production.

disney snow white remake photos

Source: IMDb/ Disney

This photo shows a side-by-side comparison of Snow White and the Evil Queen from the original movie and the remake. It highlights the similarities and differences between the two versions in terms of style, tone, mood, color, lighting, costume, makeup, etc.

The similarities and differences between the two versions


disney snow white remake photos

Source: Newsweek


As you can see from the photos, the remake has some similarities and differences with the original movie. Here are some of them:

  • Similarities:
    • The remake follows the same basic plot and characters as the original movie, such as Snow White’s escape from the Evil Queen, her encounter with the seven helpers, her poisoning by a magic apple, and her revival by a true love’s kiss.
    • The remake pays homage to some of the iconic scenes and images from the original movie, such as Snow White’s dress, the Evil Queen’s mirror, the apple, etc.
    • The remake retains some of the musical elements and songs from the original movie, such as “Someday My Prince Will Come”, “Whistle While You Work”, “Heigh-Ho”, etc.
  • Differences:
    • The remake adds some new twists and elements to the original story, such as Snow White’s empowerment, the Evil Queen’s backstory, the seven new helpers, etc.
    • The remake updates some of the outdated aspects of the original movie, such as its portrayal of gender roles, racial stereotypes, and cultural appropriation.
    • The remake uses modern technology and techniques to create a more realistic and diverse version of Snow White, such as practical sets and locations, CGI effects, multicultural casting, etc.

Thank you for reading our blog post. We hope you enjoyed it and learned something new. Don't forget to check out our Meme Funny at meme funny and stay tuned for more updates on Disney’s live-action remake of Snow White in the future!

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