7 ways to get rid of belly fat

By Lynne 11 month ago 731
People who want to reduce belly fat should eat foods containing soluble fiber to increase feelings of fullness, reduce calorie absorption and monitor daily portions.

Belly fat can increase the risk of some chronic diseases. Eating scientifically and reducing stress are some simple ways to reduce fat stored in the second round.

Eat lots of soluble fiber

Soluble fiber absorbs water and forms a gel, which slows food down as it passes through the digestive system. Eating more fiber increases the feeling of fullness, eats less and promotes weight loss.

This nutrient also helps lower blood fat by reducing cholesterol absorption. When there isn't enough fiber, cholesterol levels can increase. People with high blood fat should choose foods such as oats, barley, beans...

Avoid foods with trans fats

This fat exists in liquid form at room temperature. To exist in solid form, they are supplemented with hydrogen. High trans fat content in baked goods, fast food and margarine. They are not good for the heart, blood vessels and overall health. High consumption can lead to increased bad cholesterol.

7 ways to get rid of belly fat
Reducing belly fat helps prevent many diseases and protect health. Photo: Freepik

High-protein diet

Protein is an important nutrient in weight control . Protein levels account for about 25-30% of daily calories, which can promote metabolism and maintain muscle mass. Every meal should contain protein-rich foods. Besides protein from meat, milk, legumes and flaxseeds are also good for health.


According to American dietary recommendations, the average person needs 0.8 g of protein per kg of body weight.

Low carb diet

Adopting a low-carb or ketogenic diet is a way to lose weight. However, these diets carry some risks so they are not suitable for everyone. With the goal of losing weight quickly, some people reduce their carb intake to 50 g per day. This causes the body to enter a state of ketosis and start burning fat as its primary fuel. People who want to lose weight healthily should have a nutritional examination so that the doctor can advise on appropriate diets.


Monitor food intake

Tracking your food intake doesn't mean weighing and measuring everything. Planning your meals in advance makes it easier to achieve goals like increasing your protein intake to 25-30% of your calories or cutting back on added sugars.

Choose healthy fats


People losing weight need to eat healthy fats that are good for their health. Sources of fat that should be increased in the diet come from unsaturated fatty acids found in olive oil, nuts, avocados, fish and eggs. Increase your intake of healthy fats by adding some avocado to salads, enjoying salmon twice a week, and eating peanuts. However, you should eat them in moderation because they still contain a lot of calories.

Limit stress

Stress can cause disorders in the body's organs, producing more of the hormone cortisol, which stimulates cravings for foods high in sugar and fat, thereby leading to weight gain. Unhealthy eating, emotional eating, skipping meals, and snacking are common when you are in a bad mood. Even without consuming high-calorie foods, the hormone cortisol also tends to slow down metabolism, causing the body to burn fewer calories than usual.

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