Lose weight simply with a healthy diet

By Lynne 11 month ago 556
Lose weight simply with a healthy diet : Experts say that improving your diet can also help you lose weight, it is not necessary to adhere to strict diets.

A 2020 international study of 14 diets in the BMJ medical journal (UK) found that dieters lost weight after 6 months, but most regained their previous weight after just one year.

Mimi Secor, a senior nurse who specializes in women's health and author of Get Healthy and Fit at Any Age , says: "Unfortunately, when people reach their goals and stop diet, most regain the weight they lost, and even gain it later."

If you want to lose weight by eating healthier, first of all, don't think of it as a diet. "I teach clients to replace the word 'diet,' which is often considered a temporary solution, with 'eating plan,'" recommends Elana Paddock, a registered dietitian at Cooper Clinic in Dallas, Texas. healthy' because this is more sustainable."

A popular diet today is intermittent fasting, which is limited to eating for a period of 6-8 hours and fasting for the remaining 16-18 hours. However, a recent study in the Journal of the American Heart Association found no association between meal timing and weight loss over a six-year period.

"Additionally, skipping meals can lead to hunger and cravings, causing you to overeat, making healthy food choices more difficult. In general, restrictive eating patterns can also lead to similar negative consequences," Paddock said.

When you look at U.S. News & World Report's Best Diets of 2023 report, you'll see that the top diet recommendation isn't one that restricts portions, says Gretel Schueller, editor US News & World Report managing editor of health news, said.


According to Schueller, the Mediterranean diet, which emphasizes vegetables, fruits, lean meats, seafood, whole grains, nuts and unsaturated fats from extra virgin olive oil, "is really valuable." goes beyond one eating style and is really easy to adjust."

"Effective diets don't restrict entire food groups, or make you feel like you're missing something," says Schueller.

Eating scientifically with healthy foods, combined with exercise helps achieve sustainable weight loss.  Photo: Freepik


Lose weight simply with a healthy diet

Eating scientifically with healthy foods, combined with exercise helps achieve sustainable weight loss. Photo: Freepik


The other top two recommended diets on US News & World Report's list are DASH and Flexitarian. The DASH diet - a dietary approach to prevent hypertension - limits foods high in saturated fat, as well as sugary drinks. Flexitarian is a semi-vegetarian diet that focuses on plant proteins such as beans, peas or eggs, plus fruits and vegetables.

"These diets aren't too extreme and really focus on the things we know we should be eating: natural foods, vegetables, fruits, whole grains, etc., while limiting sweets and junk food." processed products," Schueller said.

If you adopt a diet or eating plan that is too restrictive, you will be less likely to maintain it long term. So, before implementing a new eating strategy, you need to see if there are any foods you love that are not allowed? Does it include all food groups? Do other family members eat differently?


"If you're cooking for the whole family, but one member eats differently than the rest of the table, that's not sustainable. The more complicated the diet, the less likely you are to stick with it long term," Schueller shares, adding that whatever diet you choose, it should include healthy foods and drinks, and allow you to indulge occasionally. That way, you can stick with it.

Paddock recommends choosing one or two specific changes and focusing on them. For example, you switch from using white rice and white bread to brown rice and brown bread. Or you choose popcorn as a snack instead of chips, eat fruit instead of sweet candies or salty snacks, and use small dishes for smaller portions. You should also fish and chicken instead of eating red meat.

"You can consider a small step approach with healthier swaps and building successes one after another as this not only leads to positive changes but also builds momentum," says Paddock. .


If you want to pursue a more rigorous weight loss regimen, Paddock recommends seeing a nutritionist who can help you design a plan and consider options that suit your needs and lifestyle . close.

Alternatively, you can seek out a fitness trainer. An overall healthy lifestyle includes not only good food choices, but also physical activity.

Source (According to USA Today )

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